Media4Life Erasmus+ Project
Chorzowskie Centrum Kultury wraz ze Starochorzowski Dom Kultury jest partnerem międzynarodowego projektu w ramach programu ERASMUS + pt. “New Media 4 Lifelong Learning”.
-> Celem projektu jest rozwijanie kompetencji cyfrowych wśród seniorów i wspieranie edukatorów osób dorosłych uczących o technologiach informacyjno-komunikacyjnych.
Z radością dzielimy się efeketem projektu New Media4Lifelong Learning Erasmus+. Mamy nadzieję, że materiały będą przydatne i będą służyły edukatorom senioralnym i samym seniorom!
Podręcznik dialogu międzypokoleniowego pomiędzy seniorami i ich rodzinami - ŚCIĄGNIJ TU
Broszura: Instrukcje i referencje - ŚCIĄGNIJ TU
W dniu 20.04.2021r. uczestniczyliśmy w online Kick-off Meeting w związku z partnerstwem ChCK w projekcie pn. E+ K204 New Media 4 Lifelong Learning realizowanym w ramach programu Erasmus+. Jak na pierwsze tego typu spotkanie przystało ustaliśmy start naszych badań w projekcie, z których dowiemy się jak z edukacją poprzez nowe media mają się seniorzy, a także o tym jak z tym tematem mają się sami edukatorzy osób starszych.
W spotkaniu wzięli udział:
Anna Bratek - Polska - Chorzowskie Centrum Kultury
Mateusz Siejeński - Polska - Fundacja ASES
Žiga Dobnikar - Slovenia - Epeka
Georgia Griva - Grecja -Europroodos
Michał Pietrzok - Polska - FEIO - jako organizacja wspierająca projekt
Magdalena Klimek - Polska - FEIO - jako organizacja wspierająca projekt
Agata Lisowicz-Wala - Polska - FEIO - jako organizacja wspierająca projekt
The meeting was take place 10th &11th June 2021in Athens, Greece in EUROPROODO’S premises.
According to the project agenda, at first, we had the review of the activities of the working days and afterwards the presentation of the partners. Following the partner’s presentation it is presented an overall presentation of the Media 4 Life project (it is attached in the annexes). All the partners understood all the details and the aspects of the project and all together were discussing methods of maximising the project results.
The next presentation related with the financial management of the project. ASES, presented all the tools and the methods that will follow for the financial monitoring of the project. As the partners were experienced didn’t face any difficulty in understanding and follow the instructions of ASES.
Following the financial monitoring presentation, ASES, EUROPROODOS, EPEKA & Champions Factory presented the findings of the Survey that was held in the previous period. All the partners presented their results from their national surveys and they had the time fully explained the procedure they followed and explained the deeper explanation of the findings. After the completion of the presentation and in depth discussion, we have been proceed to the 1st Training Teaching Activity in Poland.
1st Training Teaching Activity in Poland
- It was discussed the dates for the training with all partners the proposed ones are 13/9/2021 – 20/9/2021 - accepted by all partners.
- From all the participating organisations will send 4 participants, adult education trainers /teachers. The organiser will provide 2 experienced trainers. The activities will be implemented according to the application form.
- The applicant will prepare a template which is going to gather the good practises – methodologies among the partners. All the partners must be fill out 2 good practises per organisation. These good practises will include methods, peer to peer learning tools as well as reflection tools. The applicant will send to partners until 20/6/2021
- The partner organisations will send back the filled document by 31/7/2021 at the latest.
- All the partners agreed to be provided a single rooms for the participants. All partners has discussed and presented their strong skills and tools and explained how they can contribute innovatively to the implementation of the teaching training activity.
During the second day we have discussed all the details regarding the dissemination activities. We concluded to the dissemination channels, the posts and the methods which the consortium will follow. It has been created a facebook page of the project which all the partners are obliged to have a person in charge for the posting and the management of the dissemination activities on behalf of their organisations. Also, it was agreed that all the partners will disseminate all the material and the outputs in their organisation’s social media and networks. Lastly, it has been discussed all the aspects of the exploitation and evaluation of the project activities. Finally, we have discuss the work-plan for the next 6 months. It was significantly refer that all the measurement against Covid-19 has been made from the hosting organisation according to the national and EU regulations.
The people who participate in the meeting:
~ from ASES - Poland: Mrs Weronika Bartosiewicz & Mrs Agata Lisowicz-Wala
~ from CHCK – Poland: Mr Tomasz Ignalski & Mr Michał Pietrzok
Konstantinos Tsahakis & Mrs Georgia Griva
~ from EPEKA - Slovenia: Mrs Alenka Ašič & Mr Mateo Hočuršćak
~ from Champions Factory - Bulgaria: Mrs Shirin Amin (Virtually)
14.09 - 17.09.2121r. - Warsztaty w ramach projektu Media4Life Erasmus+ Project w Żorach
Edukatorzy senioralni z Bułgarii, Grecji, Słowenii i oczywiście Polski są na dobrej drodze do stworzenia scenariuszy warsztatów dla seniorów dotyczących nowych mediów.
Nie możemy się doczekać kolejnych twóczych dyskusji!
(Tomasz Ignalski, Ania Bratek)
2 września 2022r. nasz oddział - Starochorzowski Dom Kultury wypełniony był gośćmi z różnych stron świata. Wszystko za sprawą projektu, którego wraz z SDK jesteśmy partnerem: Media4Life Erasmus+ Project.